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TNPSC GROUP 2A General English 3. Choose the correct ‘Antonyms’ for the underlined word from the options given Class XII

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  1. empty x full
  2. sublime x low/base
  3. noble x mean-minded/ignoble
  4. agitated x calm
  5. broad x narrow
  6. selfish x generous
  7. withhold x allow
  8. rejoice x grieve/mourn
  9. sacred x impure/unholy
  10. patient x impatient
  11. offended x pleased
  12. vile x good
  13. rude x polite
  14. interred x exhumed
  15. sterner x gentler
  16. withholds x permits
  17. pardon x punish
  18. bequeathing x disallowing
  19. traitor x follower/supporter
  20. dumb x talkative
  21. mighty x feeble
  22. fleeting x permanent
  23. slow x fast
  24. methodical x random


  1. ceaseless x tiresome
  2. domineering x submissive
  3. marvellous x ordinary
  4. subservient x helpful/dominant
  5. bestowed x denied/obtained
  6. patronizing x renouncing
  7. advent x departure
  8. inconsistent x consistent
  9. dignity x indignity
  10. pertinent x impertinent
  11. frailty x strength
  12. radically x moderately

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  1. proud x modest
  2. hang x drop
  3. retained x lost
  4. rudely x politely
  5. vanish x appear
  6. majestic x ordinary/humble
  7. frail x sturdy/strong
  8. dreary x pleasant
  9. fascinating x repulsive
  10. ominous x auspicious/favourable
  11. confidence x despair
  12. menacing x safe
  13. demons x gods
  14. distraction x concentration
  15. surreal x normal
  16. remote x accessible/nearby
  17. retained x gave up
  18. abandoned x inhabited
  19. heartening x sickening/disheartening
  20. detour x direct/straight route
  21. veteran x novice
  22. sturdy x weak
  23. shrouded x uncovered
  24. eventually x initially
  25. continuously x intermittently


  1. disgraced x honoured
  2. exuberance x apathy
  3. tranquility x agitation
  4. copious x meager/scarce
  5. risible x serious
  6. obscure x clear/obvious
  7. disentangled x complicated
  8. accumulated x dispersed
  9. continually x slowly
  10. weary x brisk
  11. malignant x harmless
  12. delusive x real
  13. protracted x postponed
  14. praise x criticize/curse


  1. creator x destroyer
  2. interested x indifferent
  3. trusted x suspicious/doubtful
  4. despise x appreciate/love
  5. stupid x wise
  6. dissolve x solidify
  7. tended x neglected
  8. belittling x appreciating
  9. desperate x hopeful
  10. shiny x dim/dull
  11. parched x wet
  12. sullen x happy/cheerful/boisterous
  13. contempt x admiration
  14. sacred x irreligious/unholy
  15. fury x calm
  16. dragged x pushed
  17. decayed x fresh
  18. withering x thriving


  1. ultimate x initial
  2. extinguished x lit
  3. liberal x conservative
  4. cursed x blessed/praised
  5. imprisoned x released
  6. tiniest x biggest / largest
  7. postulated x rejected
  8. sanguinely x hopelessly
  9. trivial x vital/important/significant
  10. diminish x increase
  11. vindictive x forgiving
  12. integrity x dishonesty
  13. differ x resemble
  14. remote x nearby/close
  15. unique x common
  16. admire x condemn
  17. futility x usefulness
  18. destructive x constructive
  19. withhold x release
  20. monstrous x small

Class X



1.  Inability     x   ability 
2.  Eagerly     x   indifferently
3.  Piteous     x   joyous
4.  Private     x   public 
5.  Rare     x   common

1.   Survival     x   death
2.   Respect     x   humiliation
3.   Appreciated   x   praised
4.   External     x   internal
5.   Fortunate     x   unfortunate
6.   Invisible     x   visible
7.   Imprisoned   x   released
8.   Brutality     x   humaneness 
9.   Several     x   few 
10. Clear     x   vague
11. Effective     x   ineffective


1.   Indispensable   x   inessential
2.   Reverence    x   disrespect
3.   Obey     x   disobey
4.   Public     x   private
5.   True     x   lie, false
6.   Whole     x   part
7.   Discipline    x   indiscipline
8.   Most     x   least
10. Helpful     x   unhelpful
11. Expected    x   unexpected
12. Remember   x   forget
13. Later     x   earlier
14. Irreverent    x   respectful
15. Grateful     x   ungrateful
16. Definite     x   indefinite
17. Advantage   x   disadvantage
18. Certain     x   uncertain
19. Success     x   failure
20. Importance   x   unimportance
21. Easy     x   difficult
22. Strong     x   weak
23. Rough     x   smooth


1.   Wide     x   narrow
2.   Clean     x   dirty
3.   Foreign     x   local
4.   Sweet     x   bitter 
5.   Proud     x   humble
6.   Selfish     x   generous
7.   Panic     x   calmness 
8.   Sufficient    x   insufficient
9.   Reduce     x   increase
10. Individual    x   society
11. Possible     x   impossible
12. Responsibility   x   irresponsibility
13. Narrow     x   broad
14. Began     x   end
15. Late     x   soon
16. Disappear    x   appear


1.   Included     x   excluded
2.   Large     x  small
3.   Tragedy     x   comedy
4.   Particular    x   general
5.   Cursed     x   blessed
6.   Difficult     x   easy
7.   Closed     x   opened
8.   Refuse     x   accept
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9.   Departure    x   arrived
10. Minimum    x   maximum
11. Domestic     x   foreign
12. Invisible     x   visible


1.   Regular     x   irregular
2.   Particular    x   general
3.   Living     x   dying
4.   Mighty     x   weak
5.   Sudden     x   gradual
6.   Wild     x   mild
7.   Bright     x   dull, dim
8.   Stopping     x   starting
9.   Absence     x   presence
10. Artificial     x   natural


1.   Rich     x   poor
2.   Ancient     x   modern
3.   Famous     x   notorious
4.   Valour     x   cowardice
5.   Palace     x   hut
6.   Magnificent   x   small
7.   Beautiful     x   ugly
8.   Revealed     x   concealed
9.   Many     x   few
10. Privileged    x   deprived
11. Impressive   x   unaccept
12. Opulence     x   poverty
13. Patronised    x   discouraged
14. Ascended    x   dethroned


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