TNPSC_Current_Affairs_English_February_2017_Vetrii_IAS_Academy.pdf - 1.4 MB
TNPSC_Current_Affairs_English_January_2017_Vetrii_IAS_Academy.pdf - 5.2 MB
TNPSC_Current_Affairs_English_June_2017_Vetrii_IAS_Academy.pdf - 3.1 MB
TNPSC_Current_Affairs_English_June_2017_Vetrii_IAS_Academy.pdf - 3.1 MB
TNPSC_Current_Affairs_English_March_2017_Vetrii_IAS_Academy.pdf - 1.6 MB
TNPSC_Current_Affairs_English_May_2017_Vetrii_IAS_Academy.pdf - 3.4 MB
Class XII
- assembly - meeting/gathering
- valour - bravery/courage/ strength
- captives - prisoners
- slew- killed
- reverence - homage
- entreat - appeal/request
- just- sincere
- mark- listen/notice
- commons- people
- legacy - earned property/gift
- rent- tore/cut
- vanquished - defeated
- censure - judge
- abide - hate
- valiant - brave
- vile - base
- sacred- holy
- patient - silent
- issue - children / result / outcome
- bequeathing - leaving / bestowing
- mantle - cloak / garment/dress
- steel - sword
- wit - intelligence
- worth - reputation
- ransom - money paid for the release of prisoners / fine
- rage-anger
- grievous - serious
- aroused - raised
- coffers - state treasury
- interred - buried
- abide it - pay for it
- closet- small room /cupboard
- resolved - informed
- pause - stop
- worth - reputation
- honourable - honest
- mourned - grieved
- crusader - fighter
- entourage - attendants/associates/assistants
- emerged - arose
- cultivate - develop
- advocate - support
- destiny - fate
- consisted - composed
- construed - interpreted
- frailty - weakness
- nectar - honey
- initiative - encouragement
- intuition - insight
- dormant - inactive
- ceaseless – untiring/endless
- awakened – aroused
- glacier - ice mountain
- mythological- old/epical
- eventually - finally
- bumps - hits
- legend - myth
- frail - weak
- deterred - feared
- cheering- encouraging
- bizarre - unusual
- pursue - chase
- ensconced - to be settled comfortably
- trail - rough path .
- drearier – dull/gloom
- venturing- daring
- migrated - shifted
- gorge - deep narrow valley
- moseying – walking
- bizarre – unusual
- trail - rough path
- traversing - travelling
- drearier - tired
- venturing- daring
- stranded - left alone/ unable to move
- delicately - carefully
- consummate - complete
- retained – continued to possess
- censure (v) - criticize
- exuberance - lively/ high spirit/uncontrolled excitement
- copious - plentiful/ abundant
- perplexity - complication/confusion/disconcert
- disentangled - free from complication/ simplified/ unraveled
- suffrages - rights to vote
- animated - inspired / motivated
- ignoble - dishonorable/disgraceful
- longevity- long life
- seduce - tempt
- repress - restrain
- dissolve - make liquid / digest
- littered - scattered
- bare - unclothed / uncovered / empty
- mark - spot / scar / stain / symbol
- delayed - postpone / defer / ruined
- pious - devout / religious / dutiful / holy
- creator - god/ maker
- smeared - smudge / defame / pasted
- shreds - bits
- battered - thrashed
- vile - evil/bad
- petrified - immobile with fear
- confronted - faced
- enigma - mystery
- disseminate - spread
- bestial - brutish
- serenely - calmly
- parched - dried
- teeming - abounding/swarming
- fetched - brought
- unleash - let loose/free
- nauseating - disgusting
- unheralded - unannounced
- accelerated - speeded
- harness - control
- stench - bad smell
- industrious - hard-working
Class X
- Popular - well known
- Amazing - surprising
- Battered - rags
- Extended - offered
- Patched - tears
- Profile - outline of the face/head
- Accomplishment - a well learned ability, achievement
- Ineffectual - not doing anything worthy
- Glum - sullen, dejected, displeased
- Freckled - brown spots on the skin
- Ragged - untidy
- Wizened - looking dried up through age
- Parchment - : a piece of paper
- Piteous - sad, sorrowfull
- Coarse - made of large rough cloth
- Alms - offerings
- Forlorn - forsaken, lonely
- Sovereign - a former gold coin worth 1 pound
- Coppers - coins of lower denomination
- Commissioned - ordered
- Articulate - to express thoughts or feelings clearly in words.
- Figure out - make out, guess
- Profound - felt or experienced very strongly
- Quartet - music composed for group of singers
- Repetoire -: a performer knows all the plays, songs.
- Fanatic - eagerly, enthusiastic
- Unquenchable - that cannot be satisfied
- Irreverent - not showing respect.
- Master - to learn or understand completely
- Invidious - unjust
- Reverent - respectful
- Generous - benevolent
- Unsophisticated - inexperienced
- Hostile - opposing
- Rising - replying, responding
- Tender - offer
- Discharged - carried out
- Privilege - special right, benefit
- Privileged - prestigious
- Suffice - enough, adequate
- Exacting - demanding, challenging
- Truism - a statement that is obviously true
- Indispensable - absolutely essential
- Earnestness - seriousness
- Prosecute - continue, pursue
- Unsophisticated - simple, natural
- Unfits - does not suit
- Prey - victim
- Redress - compensation
- Soaring - rising, increasing
- Scramble - Struggle
- Heaving - funningly crowded
- Fanned out - Spread out
- Rumour - false story
- Panic - fear
- Corridors - Passages
- Erupt - suddenly happen
- Torrent - an outpour
- To swam - to crowd onto something
- Jamming - pushing with force
- Jostile - Push roughly in a crowd
- Melee - Rushing
- Brawl - a noisy and violent fight
- Cereal - pulse
- Yields - production
- Decade - a period of ten years
- Frenzied - violent activity
- Pursuit - chase
- Triumphantly - victoriously
- Hauls back - pulls back
- Lentil - dried seed used for cooking
- Stew - meat and vegetables cooked slowly in food.
- Undervalued - importance, goodness or value not recognised
- Deniedq - Refused
- Tragedy - Sad happening
- Sadistically - getting pleasure out of hurting someone
- Tortured - made to suffer
- Brutality - cruelty
- Shortcomings - defects
- Hide and seek - evades
- Campaigned - organised activity
- Diligence - Steady effort
- Persistence - continuous effort
- Initiating - Starting
- Challenge - difficult task
- Implementation - carrying out
- Documentation - being recorded in documents
- Exceptional - unusual
- Penalised - punished
- Surplus market - where several jobs are available
- Simultaneously - at the same time
- Intervence - become involved in
- Legislated - made into a law
- Species - groups with biological likeness
- Breeding haunts - nesting places
- Stresses - difficult conditions, hardships
- Variation - degree of change
- Well defined - Clearly marked
- Higher reaches - on top of the mountains
- Voyagers - Travellers
- Seldom - not often, rarely
- Flocks - Birds of the same kind
- Excited - In a state of great activity
- Fluttering - moving lightly and quickly
- Twittering - chirping
- Restricted - limited
- Fascinating - very interesting
- Renovated - Repaired into good condition
- Valour - bravery
- Scantily - Insufficiently
- Monolithic - massive, monumental
- Moat - deep wide ditch
- Notching - cutting
- Contrivances - machines
- Vimanam - The top of the seat of the deity
- Opulence - lavishness, Richness
- Staunch - steadfast
- Intricate - fine, delicate
- Sancity - holiness
- Munificence - generosity
- Cloisters - covered passages
- Magnanimous - Splendid
- Grandiose - impressive
- Herculean - mighty
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